Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Early Adopters, Please Be Quiet, and Thank You

Maybe it's just me. Is it just me?

File this under "Things that Shouldn't Annoy Me but Sometimes Do":

People who use Uber and like to let you know they use Uber. 

Of course, there's nothing wrong with Uber (well, I'm sure some people would argue with that). But why do some people insist on letting you know they use the service? Can't you just tell me you're going to the airport, instead of saying "I'm taking an Uber to the airport"? Today in my office I overheard someone declare, "Well, my Uber driver said..." I don't care what your Uber driver said, because I don't care that you took Uber.

I guess it's the desire to be part of the in crowd... a certain pride in being an early adopter (although I guess by this point, Uber is beyond the early adoption stage). People like to give the impression that they are "with it" – up to speed and active with all the latest technology and tech-based services. Like this guy, who just had to let the world know he ordered his Google Glass. (Wonder how that's working out for him?)

Maybe it's just me, feeling behind the curve a bit when it comes to some tech-related things. I still DVR and I'm still tethered to my cable TV, while my Netflix, Hulu and Roku friends proudly (and vocally) share how they choose to watch/stream shows in 2015. While I don't think I'm on the "lagger" side of the "innovation adoption lifecycle," I'm probably more on the "late majority" side. Consequently, I don't like to hear from those who are so proud and vocal about their early adoption habits.

I just find it all "uber" annoying. (Sorry, had to be done...)

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