Monday, July 28, 2014

Seeing It Through to the End... Even When It's Junk

Many times as writers, we need to just plow on and keep at it... even when we're not so proud of what we're producing. I really enjoyed this short, encouraging piece from Stephanie Kaptein on on I like the idea she presents, borrowed from social behavior expert James Clear in Entrepreneur, that in any creative endeavor you have to give yourself permission to “create junk.” Who can't relate to that? Creating junk is part and parcel of what we do as writers – and it really is a necessary practice, if only for the benefit of seeing something through to the end. The very act of completion is a reward in itself - and it can be a strong confidence booster, to enable us to move onto the next project.

Great thoughts for the start of a new week!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Just Say "No" to Business Babble

A lot has been written and said about business jargon... but as long as it's alive and growing, it's worth taking the time as writers and communications professionals to consider any and all alternatives to this kind of "corporate speak."

I really liked this piece from Corey Eridon onHubSpot on what she calls "business babble" - the perfect way to describe it, really. These words and phrases make the user sound like he or she is "hip" in the corporate world when, really, they sound more like babbling idiots. Eridon gives 20 great examples of business babble: overused, over-imaginative phrases and words, along with simple, better alternatives for each one. 

I've been in corporate jobs or settings where nearly every one of these phrases has been used regularly (except "boil the ocean" - that one was new to me). The worst offender, in my estimation? "Open the kimono." It's meant to be another way of saying that someone is being revealing, or willing to share. It sounds more the act of a creepy guy on a park bench.

I hereby pledge to do my part to eradicate these silly expressions from my communication efforts. Or, in other words, I'm going to stop using these ridiculous phrases.